ATTENTION: Magazine Publishers

Discover The Secret That Gets Decision Makers To Reach Out To YOU!

Build Your Authority, Get More Quality Appointments, & Tap Into an Endless Stream of Referrals

What Magazine Rainmaker So Effective?

NUMBER 1: We lead with VALUE.

What if you had an Irresistible Offer for EVERY prospect in your market?

An Irresistible Offer that makes booking appointments with hard to meet decision makers fun and easy.

Our Irresistible Offer is the Good Neighbor Podcast™.

And because of the strategy and packaging we employ, it repositions you as an AUTHORITY.

Now, you're no longer seen as just another salesperson trying to 'sell'. As Zig Ziglar would always say, “If you help enough people get what they want, you’ll get what you want.”

With the Good Neighbor Podcast™, you're able to give local business owners a platform to share their story and promote their business. And once you do that, getting what you want, an appointment with that decision maker, is a walk in the park.

Are Gatekeepers Slowing You Growth?

Those same gatekeepers who've denied you access time and time again now become your advocates. They're excited to have their company spotlighted on your show. And they are happy to connect you with the owner.

No Soliciting, No Longer Applies

Everything changes when you lead with value. Think you could benefit from dropping into businesses unannounced? Have those 'No Soliciting' signs kept you away? Now you can kiss those days goodbye!

Instead of a Soliciting Pest, you become a Welcome Guest!

When you make the shift from selling to helping, everything changes for the better including...

  • Lead quality and volume improves because you're able to present to more business owners now that you've built a relationship via the podcast.

  • Referrals effortlessly drop onto your lap. Our clients report an average of 1 to 2 warm referrals with every podcast!

  • Your Income can't help but increase. More appointments equals more sales. But there's a difference between those who present 'cold', as in never having met the prospect before. Having already interviewed your prospect via the podcast, you now have an advantage. When you're presenting to your podcast guests, it's a 'warm' presentation. They already know, like and trust you. And with that you'll see an increase in your closing rate which means...

Enhanced Lead Volume & Quality + Referrals + Increased Closing Rate = Exponential Income Growth




Episodes Published:


Appointments & Referrals Generated:


Plug Into The Automated System To Grow Your Sales!

This unique marketing strategy naturally builds your authority and trust while positioning you as 'THE' advocate of business in your local community.

So now, instead of cold calling prospects... YUCK! Or spending an eternity networking with only a handful of business cards from uninterested fellow networkers to show for it, decision makers are invited to appear on your podcast show.

Our system automates the invitation and booking process so you can spend your time doing what you do best... growing your sales.

Our Process...

Get Easy Podcast Bookings -> Then Even Easier Sales Appointments -> Results Based Follow-Up & Nurture

Completely Automated 3-Stage Process Keeps Your Hard-Earned Leads From Falling Through The Cracks So YOU STAY FRONT OF MIND...

Stage 1:

Easy Bookings

Stage 1: It starts with an invitation to your Good Neighbor Podcast™. This is your 'non-salesy' foot-in-the-door strategy to get in front of more decision makers than you've ever imagined!

No longer are you seen as just another salesperson. You're different. And your prospects sense that. You provide them a safe space. Call it the 'get to know me' stage.

To put it in dating terms, rather than asking for marriage on the first date like most in sales. You come bearing a gift. You stand out. Your invitation, a podcast interview, is excepted without wasting the time and energy you normally spend on chasing leads.

In addition, you've tapped into a brand new and constant stream of referrals. The Good Neighbor Podcast™ is truly the gift that keeps on giving. On average, every guest will refer you 1 - 2 great leads who you then add to the system and like clockwork, your calendar fills up with more, effortless appointments.

Stage 2:

Even Easier Sales Appointments

Stage 2: Now it's time to ask for a 2nd 'date', the all important sales presentation. And your prospect is all in!

Getting the sales appointment is even easier than the podcast appointment.

You're now seen as an authority. They are impressed by your podcast process. They're intrigued and are curious to know more about how else you can help their business.

And just like in Stage 1, the system completely automates the appointment and follow-up process. You're completely removed from the follow-up process.

Rescheduling? The system does it for you!

Cancellation? The system automatically sends a series of communications to re-engage the prospect and reschedules their appointment.

No-Show? Because of the value delivered via the Good Neighbor Podcast™ you see significantly fewer of these. But, even for the occasional No-Show we have a re-engage to reschedule path that's completely automated.

Stage 3:

Results Based Follow-Up & Nurture

Stage 3: The Fortune is in the Follow-Up. Even the best in the B2B sales business have closing rates of just 20%, 30% and 40%. The vast majority of your sales presentation will end in a no sale.

The average salesperson leaves a lot of money on the table by not following-up. Or they practice selective follow-up. This is where they focus on the top 20% or so who they think are most likely to buy in the near future.

But, they miss out on all the others whose circumstances have changed and are ready to buy.

With our system, there is no need to be selective. And more importantly, no lead ever gets left behind to fall through the cracks.

You now have the peace-of-mind knowing that ALL Your Hard-Earned Leads will get followed-up with exactly when they are supposed to hear from you.

And, if that lead isn't ready to buy, the system recalibrates and schedules them for follow-up again in the future.

It's a closed loop system that consistently keeps you Front-Of-Mind. The only way out is a sale.

Build Authority

  • We Serve One Client Per Market

  • Podcast Authority Website

  • Proven Show Format

  • Comprehensive Show Branding Package

  • Automated Podcast Guest Interview Prep

  • Evergreen, Endless Referral Process

  • Tap into the 'Good Neighbor Podcast' Syndicate Brand

  • Endless Stream of Authority Building Social Media Content

Grow a Full-Pipeline of Quality Prospects

  • Automated Email Podcast Booking Campaign

  • Automated Website Booking Process

  • Podcast Distribution

  • Automated Guest Invitation Sequence

  • Automated Cancel, No-Show, Rescheduling Process

  • Omnipresent Market Positioning

  • Social Media Planner

Convert Listeners & Guests into Clients & Referrals

  • Conversion Funnels

  • Nurture Campaigns

  • Email Newsletters

  • Lead Magnets

  • Perpetual Sales Follow-Up System... Leads Can Never Fall Through The Cracks, The System Automatically Follows Ups With Your Leads At Exactly The Right Time

Let's Get Started!

Exclusive, Local-Based Marketing Platform Gets Decision Makers to Reach Out To You and Automatically Book Appointments With ZERO Acquisition Cost!

We only work with ONE Client per market. Fill out the form below to see if your market is available.

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